CPN Encuentro 2022
Faith to Face: Rebuilding Our Connections
This year's Cuba Partners Network Encuentro ("Gathering" in English) will take place live, in-person at the Seminario Evangélico de Teología (SET) in Matanzas, Cuba.​
Travel day: November 9
Meeting days: November 10 , 11, and morning of 12th
Travel day: November 12 (Encuentro ends at noon)​​
​Our partners in Cuba request that all participants arrive in Havana on November 9 in order to connect with transportation from Havana to Matanzas and make best use of our two days together at the Encuentro.
Current estimate for U.S. participants is approximately $600 per person.
Estimate includes lodging, meals, ground transportation from Havana to Matanzas, return transportation from Matanzas to Havana, and covers the cost of one IPRC Cuban participant.
Please note: Airfare, additional travel to partner churches after the Encuentro, and other expenses are not included. Air travel arrangements are the responsibility of each participant. Additional information will be provided upon registration.
Participants must have a valid passport, with an expiration date at least six months from your departure date from Cuba.
A non-refundable $300 deposit reserves your space and allows a Cuban participant to attend.
Due to current restrictions, participation is limited to 80 participants:
40 from the U.S. and 40 from Cuba.
In order to process religious visas and arrange accommodations, all registrations must be received by July 9, 2022. If you're planning to attend, please register as soon as possible.
Registration is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. If the limit of 40 participants from the U.S.is reached and you are unable to be accommodated, your $300 deposit will be refunded. We hope to process registrations in a fair and equitable way for all.
Health Notice: Protective masks are required for all events. Although not required to enter Cuba, you are strongly encouraged to bring proof of vaccination with you to the Encuentro. Although you will not be required to provide proof of a negative COVID test upon arrival, all participants are subject to random testing upon arrival and throughout your stay in Cuba. According to Cuban government policy, if you do test positive for COVID at any time during your stay, you will be required to be removed from the group and quarantined for two weeks at a government facility, at your own expense. Health regulations (in Cuba and in the U.S.) are subject to change at any time. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

About CPN
What is the PC(USA) Cuba Partners Network?
We are an organization of the Presbyterian Church (USA), including those congregations and presbyteries of other US reformed denominations who are seeking to explore partnership with or are in partnership with the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba.
Founded over thirty years ago by member congregations, the Network has a long and rich history of encouraging and supporting vital partnerships between Presbyterian Reformed denominations, primarily the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) and the Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Cuba (IPRC).
We encourage thoughtful consideration, conversation, prayer and reflection on the relationships between our churches, our governments and our peoples. PC(USA) in the United States and IPRC in Cuba continue to teach each other what it means to encourage each other to follow Christ in our homes and where we live, work and play. We sincerely invite you to consider joining us in this response to what we discern as God’s calling to us.
Working Together
The Network works closely with PC(USA) World Mission and with mission co-workers in the region, including Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and the Rev. José Manuel Capella-Pratts, Regional Liaisons for the Caribbean.
Recent Developments
Ever-changing diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba have brought into focus a renewed purpose for the Network. With these changes come both new blessings and new challenges. We believe that perhaps now, more than ever, we have a prophetic calling to walk with our brothers and sisters in the churches in Cuba.
For a detailed history of the development of the Network, click here.
Lord & Savior

Recent Events
A few of the many CPN events held since our beginnings in 1985
Online Virtual Gatherings
2020 and 2022
Gathering in the U.S
Encuentro in Cuba

© 2022 PC(USA) Cuba Partners Network