The Evangelical Theological
Seminary at Matanzas (SET)

2021 was the 75th anniversary of the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas (SET) which still serves the broader Protestant church in Cuba.
NEW: Plans for campus in Havana
For information on “Abriendo Puertas”,
the campaign for a SET campus in Havana,
please contact Jack Kern at
The faculty is composed of full professors appointed by each of the member churches of the Board. ​
The seminary offers the following graduate degrees:
Bachelor of Theology
Bachelor of Religious Studies
Bachelor of Christian Education
Master of Theology
Master of Liturgy
Master of Religious Studies
Licentiate in Theology
Diploma and certificate programs are offered in:
Biblical-Theological Training
Pentecostal Studies
Diakonia Studies
Biblical-Pastoral Institute
Commitment to Growth
Newer programs in lay leadership training, pastoral care in prisons, and specialized training for ministry with the hearing-impaired and disabled are responding to congregational needs. An extension program takes the seminary’s ministry to seven different provinces.
Other exciting plans include a new campus in Havana and the development of new methods of distance learning to further the SET’s educational mission. For more information on plans for the new SET campus in Havana, click here.
Financial Support
While salaries for professors and staff are low, the largest expenses the seminary faces are providing food for the seminary community and transportation for faculty and students, most of whom serve a congregation during the weekends.
Total yearly cost for a student’s study is more than $3,500 USD for the academic year, and only a small portion is typically contributed by the local church that has sent that student for training. Almost all of the seminary’s support comes from partner congregations and presbyteries in the United States and churches throughout the world.
Funds are needed for scholarships for the expanding number of Cuban Christians who want a deeper theological and biblical foundation, program development, library acquisitions, administrative support and faculty needs.
Individuals, congregations and presbyteries can contribute to the seminary in several ways:
The Ofelia Ortega Endowment Fund for overall expenses of the seminary via the Presbyterian Foundation. Contributions increase the principal for the future of the seminary and the interest is paid out each year to the seminary.
Make checks payable to:
The Presbyterian Foundation
200 East 12th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47130.
With the following on the memo line:
The Ofelia Ortega Endowment Fund, F94701
Adelante Student Scholarship Endowment Fund for supporting students from other Latin American or Caribbean countries. The interest is paid out annually by the Presbyterian Foundation.
Make checks payable to:
The Presbyterian Foundation
200 East 12th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
With the following on the memo line:
Adelante , SET, F52003
Extra Commitment Opportunity Account for the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas (SET) via Presbyterian World Mission, which is paid out annually.
Make checks payable to:
Presbyterian World Mission
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
With the following on the memo line:
Evangelical Theological Seminary, Matanzas, E862510
To contribute to the seminary through the Cuba Partners Network, please contact Bryan Beck, CPN Treasurer, at
To visit the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas website, click here.
The Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas (SET) seeks to provide a high quality, diversified theological education program to prepare church leaders in ordained and other ministries.
The seminary was founded on October 1, 1946, in the city of Matanzas, 60 miles east of Havana. From the seminary’s hillside location there is a beautiful and sweeping view of a large part of the city and the Bay of Matanzas. Besides classrooms and a library, the campus includes accommodations for students, chapel, and small farm.
True to its ecumenical beginnings, the seminary is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of ten members of the founding Cuban churches:
- Presbyterian-Reformed (4)
- Episcopal (4),
- Representatives of the Fraternity
of Baptist Churches (1)
- The Society of Friends, the “Quakers” (1)