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Cuba Partners Network


Class of 2025

Kendall Cox Member At-Large 


Lisa Schmidt Member At-Large 
Central Presbyterian Church (Denver, CO)

Ken Lasseter Member At-Large 

Ken joins us from Wekiva Presbyterian Church in Central Florida Presbytery. He has been to Cuba 12 times, four of them in a leadership capacity. His congregation has a partnership with Remedios Presbyterian in Remedios. Ken has had experience with installing a Living Waters for the World water system. Ken is re9red, and his family is made up of his wife, two children and 2 grandchildren. “I enjoy my visits and con9nue to be inspired by these people who have con9nued their faith and sustained their church through hardships…”

Kristin Glass

iHola! I'm a member of the Cuba Partnership Advancement Committee (PAC) at First Presbyterian Church – Fort Worth, Texas. My love for these very special partnerships with Cuban Christians began in 1996, when I first went to Cuba with Covenant Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas. While in Austin, I was one of the founding members of Covenant’s PAC. Therefore, I was thrilled when - having moved to Fort Worth for work - my church here began a partnership with a Cuban church (initially San Nicolas de Bari).

Although FPC-FW had to disengage for a time due to changing church dynamics, the desire to re-engage remained strong. When we were again able to re-engage, I went on an exploratory visit to various churches in the Matanzas Province. Out of that came partnerships with three churches : El Buen Pastor in Union de Reyes, Cidra (a mission church of Union de Reyes) and Iglesia Resurreción in Sabanilla.

Over the past 20+ years visiting Cuba, I have been fortunate to have participated in, coordinated and/or lead 12+ visits. I've had many experiences with international cross-cultural work and mission activities, including as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural development in Costa Rica and currently as a bilingual teacher in a Title 1 school that includes a large immigrant population. However, our partnerships with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Cuba really are a special blessing.

Mitch Fulton Member At-Large 
Mitch lives in Washington, DC and is as a Ruling Elder at the Church of the Pilgrims Presbyterian Church in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. Church of the Pilgrims has partnered with New York Avenue Presbyterian Church (partnered with First Presbyterian, Havana) since 2005. Mitch went on the ini9al trip to Havana and has remained involved with the partnership. Church of the Pilgrims “does partnership in partnership”! Mitch worked for the Department of the Navy as a financial manager for 36 years and retired in 2019. “I’ve made so many deep connections with the folks at 1st Havana over the years and it’s a real delight to go back and renew those ties.

Returning Steering Committee Members

Class of 2026

Rev. Dr. Antonio "Tony" Aja Member At-Large 

I'm a retired Presbyterian Church (USA) minister. A former refugee from Cuba, I've served the Church as pastor in Kentucky, New York and New Mexico. I've also been the executive director of an ecumenical community ministry, and staff at PC(USA) national offices and Mid-Kentucky Presbytery.

Involved in local and national boards and committees dealing with social justice and immigrant and refugee issues, I've helped develop grass-roots organizations with both local and national scope. I've served in PC(USA) committees and am a regular contributor to denominational and ecumenical publications on immigration and intercultural issues. I continue to remain active as adjunct faculty at McCormick Theological Seminary.Happily married to Elder Loyda P. Aja, we have three grown children: Alan (married to Wendy Trull); Vanessa (married to the Rev. David Aja-Sigmon); and Bryan (married to Misty Schmidt). Loyda and I are also the proud grandparents of Lucas Joaquin, Liam Elian Antonio, and Jesse Miguel. We now live in the Orlando, Florida area with our puppy Lucy.


Audrey Trapp Member At-Large 

A native of Philadelphia, I’ve lived in Baltimore for 45 years. I am a member and Ruling Elder of Faith Presbyterian Church which partners with two small, vibrant churches in El Centro Presbytery. I have been active in Baltimore Presbytery activities including the Baltimore -El Centro Presbytery Partnership, recent Presbytery Moderator and Chair of Cabinet, and Commissioner to the PC(USA) General Assembly in 2022.  

I have traveled to Cuba nine times since 2013 and have many wonderful memories. I was there in 2017 when my mother passed away and I will always remember the love and comfort that surrounded me from my Cuban church family.

I'm married to John Trapp and our blended family includes five adult children and ten grandchildren - five each!  He is a retired geologist and I am a retired career counselor.

Bryan Beck Treasurer (non-voting)

I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico and worship at Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church (Santa Fe Presbytery) which has a partnership with St. Nicolás de Bari Church.

I recall an experience one weekend in Cuba, walking through a torrential thunderstorm with Pastor Maricela to visit a family in the community who had no relatives or people to care for them. I watched as Pastor Maricela tenderly greeted the wife and mother of the family, and gave her a few pesos and a bar of soap. I've never forgotten this simple act of generosity. Before retirement, I worked at Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque as a cardiologist.

Rev. Deborah McEachran Co-Convener 

I'm the Pastor at Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, where I have served for the past 12 years. We have been blessed to have a partnership with Sagua la Grande for the past eight years. During that time we've had the joy of meeting three different pastors.

My first trip to Cuba was when I was a pastor in North Carolina. Traveling with Dean Lewis and others, I visited many Cuban churches — a wonderful experience.

I've provided Spanish-to-English translations for regular postings of the daily devotional Su Voz (daily devotions from the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba) and currently serve with Susan Keil Smith as co-convener of the Network. My husband and I live in Baltimore and enjoy traveling across the country to visit our children and four grandchildren.

George Strain Member At-Large 

I serve the Cuba ministry of my church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in our partnership with the church in San José de los Ramos, as well as my Presbytery’s partnership with the Presbytery of Matanzas.

I first travelled to Cuba as a youth leader where I met Rev. Joel Dopico. Interested in infrastructure and water issues, I felt called as never before to the mission of Living Waters For the World (LLW). Since 2012 I've been on 13 trips and have installed 4 LWW systems.

I'm in my 45th year as professor of neuroscience at Louisiana State University.  I’m interested in helping initiate and sustain Cuba partnerships.

Rev. Graham Hart Strategic Planning Coordinator

Originally from Pennsylvania, I've pastored churches on the east and west coasts, in the western suburbs of Chicago, and most recently have been General Presbyter at Peace River Presbytery in Southwest Florida.

Peace River brought me into contact with Cuba. In 2015 the Synod Council was seeking relationships with Presbyteries in southern Florida and PC(USA) Regional Liaisons Jo Ella Holman and Valdir Franca arranged three days of conversations with leaders from the churches in Cuba. This was one of the most meaningful encounters that I can remember. It was also the beginning of a partnership between Peace River and Matanzas Presbyteries.

My family’s church in Sarasota also has a partnership with Juan G. Hall Church, and I've travelled there about six times. I fondly remember participating in a celebration of Pastor Alison Infante’s son’s third birthday, as if we were part of the family. In retirement, I enjoy my 7 grandchildren and engage in my passions of coaching and of conflict mediation/consulting.

Gretchen Wahl Cuba Policy Advocacy Coordinator 

I live in Chicago and am a member of Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, Illinois, which partners with First Presbyterian Church of Havana.

I think of First Havana as my church home just as much as Fourth PC in Chicago. As a youth leader I have led many mission trips to many places, but the trips to First Havana are like coming home.

Kathy Wennerstrum Registrar 

I'm a member of the Presbyterian Church of Western Springs, a suburb about 20 miles southwest of Chicago and have been engaged with our Cuba partnership since 2016, when I travelled to Cuba and met our church family in Nueva Paz for the first time.  A trip that I remember declaring “life-changing” upon my return.  I’ve just returned from my first post-pandemic visit, when it was quite clear to me how much I’d missed those sacred moments in the Nueva Paz sanctuary, and the joy of walking, worshiping, working, planning and simply spending time with friends and family there.

In addition to leading our church partnership, I’m also the moderator of the Havana Chicago Presbytery Partnership; coordinator of the Presbytery of Chicago mission committee’s program for churches in need of assistance; Mission Elder for our congregation, and have served as volunteer and board member for a number of community organizations throughout the years; most recently a Chicago-based organization supporting children with medical complexities and their families. Our partnership with Nueva Paz, and with the Presbytery of Havana fill my heart the most and I am looking forward to the opportunity to build even more meaningful connections through my work on the Communications Committee, and in bringing folks together for the Gathering each year.

Marilyn Palumbo Recording Secretary 

I'm a member of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Portland, Oregon, which partners with Santa Clara in El Centro Presbytery.

There are many close friendships between these partner churches that have developed over the years, and new friendships grow with each visit. I recall being surrounded by my Cuban church family’s love from my very first visit to Santa Clara.

Susan Keil Smith Co-Convener 

I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and worship at the First Presbyterian Church of Albuquerque. I represent the Presbytery of Santa Fe in their partnership with the IPRC Synod and with Rev. Deborah McEachran, serve as CPN Co-Convener this year.

My first trip to Cuba was in 2000 when I was a part of the coordination with Cuba Presbytery partners. One day Dean Lewis said to me: “Susan, there’s going to be an hermanamiento in Cuba and you need to go.” So I packed my bags and made the trip to Cuba with Dean and Howard Paul, and my life has never been the same. I continue to try to keep the Cuba workgroup in the Santa Fe Presbytery engaged and involved. When we visit Cuba, we go across much of the whole country visiting all three presbyteries.

A memory of the 2000 trip involves four people who broke off and went up to Matanzas and stayed near the church where Dora Ester Arce was the pastor. One evening they had a party, with entertainment and I so vividly recall the sheer hilarity and laughter as we watched the Cubans perform a skit of Cubans making fun of themselves riding on buses. Sergio Arce and his wife were there. I can still see them almost on the floor with laughter!

A bit of my family history: My great aunt and uncle went to Cuba in the 1930’s and remained there until their deaths in 1957. They created a community with a textile factory and built homes and apartments for the workers and their families. I had the honor of visiting this community in 2011, thanks to the generous facilitation of the church we were visiting. One of the factory workers was still there and he remembered my great uncle. We had an amazing reunion, and I will always remember connecting with my family history and how the church made that side trip possible. 


PC(USA) Regional Liaisons for the Caribbean

Rev. José Manuel Capella-Pratts 

I'm a Minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA), ordained in 1996. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, a Master’s in Divinity from the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico and graduate studies in Pastoral Care of the Family, Leadership, and Preaching. I've served at the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly levels, as well as in other church groups and committees. As a parish pastor, I've led congregations in Caguas and Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, and in December 2021, completed my service as Pastor of First Spanish Presbyterian Church in Miami, FL, where I've served for more than a decade. I've also served as Faculty for Vocation of the CREDO program with the PC(USA) Board of Pensions. 

Married to Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, we recently celebrated our 26th Anniversary.  I love studying and teaching the Scriptures, have a heart for pastoral care for clergy, and am a strong believer in healthy interreligious relationships. I also enjoy a good cup of coffee, music, reading, technology, “Star Wars”, and social media.

Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri

I'm a teacher, consultant, and a Presbyterian ruling elder. Ordained for over 25 years, I've served the PC(USA) in the Session, Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly levels, as well as in other church groups and committees. I hold a B.A. in Education (ESL) and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Teaching. Dedicating most of my adult life to education, and teaching English and English as a Second Language to high-schoolers and adults from all over the world, my first classroom was a Sunday School one. 

I also serve as part of a CREDO faculty team, a program of The Board of Pensions. Along with the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann, I served as Co-Moderator of the 223rd General Assembly (2018), the first Hispanic Latina and first Puerto Rican person to be elected to this office. I've been married to the Rev. José Manuel Capella-Pratts for 26 years. These days I feel closer to God through color, shapes, and movement, exploring watercolor painting as a form of prayer and engaging in one of my preferred spiritual practices, “Praying in Color”.

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